School Rules and Regulations The primary objective of International Tamil (ITA) Academy is to provide the best Tamil educational program and learning environment possible to every student. Excellent behavior is expected of all ITA students. All ITA teachers and officers are provided with the Manual which discusses ITA policy, rules and regulations, responsibilities and expectations. Student Attendance Policy: Perfect Attendance:All students with 100% perfect attendance, attending all the classes at ITA are honored with a perfect attendance trophy on the graduation day. 100% attendance is required to qualify for perfect attendance award. The students must be present in the class when the school starts which is usually 10:00am to qualify for perfect attendance. Absence Policy: An absence will be marked as absent in the attendance record irrespective of the reason. Since attendance carries 10% of final score, it is important that the student attends all the classes. Student Placement Tests All the new students above 6 years of age are evaluated for their Tamil skill. Depending on the placement test score, the students are assigned to the right grade. The returning student may also be evaluated for promotion to next grade. The placement test procedure (http://www.catamilacademy.org/placementTest.html) discusses the criteria, placement test procedure etc. Student Progress Report Policy: Term Progress Report: At the end of each term, teachers issue a progress report to the students. Parents are encouraged to contact the child's teacher or the school Principal to discuss students' progress. If necessary, a parent teacher meeting can be scheduled to review the student's progress and set goals to promote achievement. Annual Student’s Rank Report: (Year-round Placement Test of student’s skills and knowledge) Each student will be observed in the class by his/her teacher on every school day for his/her attendance, class participation and homework skills. Additionally students in the higher grade levels will be observed for reading, recital, writing projects and book reports etc. All these observations are entered into the student's log book every week. This information will be used at the end of the year, along with the student's Term Test scores and Final exam score, to calculate the year-round performance of the student and to promote the students to the next grade. Disciplinary Action: ITA believes in disciplining the students in a positive way. ITA reserves the right to take any appropriate disciplinary action to preserve the orderliness of the class. The student will be given 2 verbal warnings for any misconduct in the class. After that, the teacher will notify the parent. If needed, the parent will sit in the class to observe their child's conduct and work with the teacher to discipline the student. It is the parent's responsibility to make sure that the student does not disturb the class by bringing toys, comic books, video games, walkman etc to school. Tobacco, alcohol, weapons and illegal drugs are prohibited in the school premises. These items are not allowed in the classroom. Bringing pets is not allowed in the class or school premises. Student Drop and Pickup policy: Parents are responsible for dropping the kids in the appropriate class room and picking up kids from class on time. ITA is not responsible for any untoward behavior/activities from both kids and parents that affect the general atmosphere of the premises where the classes are held. ITA is not responsible for the kids and their whereabouts beyond the duration of the published class timings. Each parent is responsible to follow the parking rules of the premises where the classes are held (e.g. obtain required parking permits where necessary). ITA is not responsible for any parking violations by the student, parents, or the volunteers. Emergency Evacuation Procedure: Every year ITA conducts emergency drill in all the branches and we give emergency handbook to all our teachers and officers. Copies of the Emergency Evacuation procedure will be posted in the school premises. Emergency Medical care for students: In case of any medical emergency, the student will be taken to the nearest hospital or will be cared by the emergency medical team. We will call 911 in case of emergency and will notify the parents. In case of non-life threatening injuries, we will notify the parents only. The student will be cared for and kept comfortable. It is the parent's responsibility to transport the student to the doctor. ITA is not financially responsible for any medical procedures rendered. Soliciting in the premises of ITA: The ITA Board does not allow anyone to solicit, advertise, use the ITA notice board for non-ITA flyers, or sell tickets for any non-ITA related events within the premises of ITA. Any flyers must be approved in writing by the school Principals or the board before they are posted in the school premises. Announcing Non-public information about ITA and Students: ITA Board strictly prohibits disclosing the following confidential information to the public without ITA Board's consent: "Syllabus, Model question papers, Actual question papers, Skill set document, Education system and processes, Training materials, Financial information, Information about students parents and volunteers. Student handbooks, Teachers logbooks, CTA Manual, Course materials including but not limited to books, DVDs, activity materials etc.,". Copyright and Trademark of ITA. ITA has copyright policy. All rights reserved by ITA. Dress Code: The California Tamil Academy follows a dress code that is strictly in conformance with the dress code of the respective local school districts. At California Tamil Academy, we encourage our students to dress in a manner that would not distract them, interrupt the learning process or cause safety issues. We discourage clothing that: 1. Contains pictures or words related to tobacco, alcohol, drugs. 2. Contains vulgar language or inappropriate images. 3. Exposes the chest, belly, torso, thighs or under garments. 4. Includes shorts and skirts lesser than a fingertip length when arms are held beside the body. Admission Rules ITA allows any student irrespective of religion/nationality to attend the school. There is an placement test process to determine the grade in which the student is eligible to be admitted. |
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