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Tamil Virtual Academy > Tamil Virtual Academy


Tamil Virtual Academy (TVA) is an autonomous institution established by the Government of Tamilnadu. It offers academic programs in Tamil Language, Literature and Culture for credit and to award appropriate Certificate/Diploma/Degree.

Memorandum of Understanding between CTA and ITA TVA Memorandum

International Tamil Academy (ITA) is a franchise of TVA as a center for conducting exams. ITA assists students to prepare for various Certificate courses offered by TVA. Students get certificates from TVA when they successfully pass the TVA exams for the respective courses.

TVA Certificate Courses are offered at three levels:

Basic Level
Intermediate Level
Advanced Level

ITA helps students to prepare for these certificate courses. These preparation classes are only for current ITA students and are optional and tuition-free. Exams will be conducted in April and the exam fees for each certificate TVA exams $25 are collected by ITA and wired to TVA.

Eligibility requirements for the certificate exams:

Basic level: The student must be in Grade 3 or above.
Intermediate: Students should have passed TVA Basic Level.
Advanced : Students should have passed TVA Intermediate Level.

Students can take Basic and Intermediate at the same time if they are inte rested.

Skills required for Basic level: Students should be able to read and write all the Tamil alphabets, read and write simple words, identify Tamil names of common objects, recite rhymes etc. Please refer to the Academic Programs section in the TVA website.


Students are encouraged to register for this class by following this link:

Preparation Classes:

We are starting our preparation classes Online on October 8th from 8:15am to 9:15am. The registered students will receive the Online Zoom Meeting Details by email after completing the registration using the above registration form.

We need volunteers to teach the classes and if you are interested please contact your principals or send an email to

If you have any questions please contact your respective branch TVA officers listed on our website. You can also send an email to