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Academics >ITA Training Calendar 2024-25

ITA Training Calendar 2024-25

Principals Technology Training

Saturday - June 29th 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST

ITA Branch Principal teams only
This session is for Principals to know the various website access and functionalities and how/when to use them. This session will be useful for school reopening, during registration and the first few weeks of school start.

HSCP Officers Orientation

Saturday - July 20th 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST

All HSCP Officers and Principal teams (Branches and Affiliates)
In this session we will share information on HSCP, pathways for students to take HSCP classes, structure of HSCP classes and grading, generation of transcripts, interaction with school districts, interaction with parents and answering FAQs.

ITA Placement Test Officers Orientation and Q & A

Saturday - July 27th 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PST

All Principal teams and Placement test officers (Branches and Affiliates)
This training is for all the Placement Test officers and Principal teams. Participants will learn about the age criteria, returning students' eligibility, how to administer and grade placement tests and the procedures of the student’s placement after taking the test.

Principals Curriculum and logbook Orientation

Saturday - Aug 10th 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST

ITA Principal teams (Branches and Affiliates)
This session is for all Principal teams and provides an introduction and overview of the ITA curriculum and lesson planning, testing and grading guidelines along with any recent updates and changes. Principal teams will learn about their responsibilities to help maintain the standards and expectations of ITA. We will have a Q & A session at the end to answer related questions.

Affiliate Principals Orientation

Saturday - Aug 17th - 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST

Affiliated Principal Teams Only
This session is for all ITA Affiliated school Principal teams to learn how to implement the ITA education system. We will discuss Principal responsibilities and how to use the ITA web app targeted for affiliated schools Principals.

Tech Officers Training

Saturday - Aug 17th 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PST

ITA Tech Officers and Principal teams (Branches only)
This session is for an understanding of the Tech Officers' Role and Responsibilities with an overview of activities expected to represent ITA Technology Operations Team in Schools

HSCP New Teachers Orientation

Saturday - Aug 24 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST

All New HSCP teachers (Branches and Affiliates)
In this training we will share information on HSCP, structure of HSCP classes & gading, syllabus, use of CTA system to enter attendance, log book, test and project scores.

Teachers Curriculum and Logbook Orientation Session 1
(Same content as Session 2; Teachers can choose to attend any one session)

Saturday - Aug 24 - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST

All ITA Teachers. Principals and officers teams are welcome.(Branches and Affiliates)
This session is for all new and continuing Teachers and provides an introduction and overview of the ITA curriculum and lesson planning, testing and grading guidelines along with any recent updates and changes. Teachers will learn about their role to help students succeed and understand their responsibilities in maintaining the standards and expectations of ITA. We will have a Q & A session at the end to answer related questions.

Parents Curriculum and Logbook Orientation

Sunday - Aug 25 - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST

All ITA Parents (Branches and Affiliates)
This session is for all new and continuing ITA parents and provides an introduction and overview of the ITA curriculum and lesson planning, testing and grading guidelines along with any recent updates and changes. Parents will learn about their role and responsibilities to help with the success of their student at ITA. We will have a Q & A session at the end to answer related questions.

Teachers Curriculum and Logbook Orientation Session 2
(Same content as Session 1; Teachers can choose to attend any one session)

Saturday - Sep 7 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST

All ITA Teachers (Branches and Affiliates) Principals and officers teams are welcome.
This session is for all new and continuing Teachers and provides an introduction and overview of the ITA curriculum and lesson planning, testing and grading guidelines along with any recent updates and changes. Teachers will learn about their role to help students succeed and understand their responsibilities in maintaining the standards and expectations of ITA. We will have a Q & A session at the end to answer related questions.

Other Trainings:

Learning Management System (LMS)

Date TBD

Teachers language-teaching training

Oct, Nov and Feb Dates TBD

(All sessions are virtual via Zoom and recordings will be made available on the ITA website)